Tuesday, January 5, 2016

A New Marketing Formula That Rotates Faster.

content marketing strategy/oregondigitalmarketing.com/blogpost
All marketers know that the content to create should converts, we must know what has worked in the past and what is not.But how to use most of the content planning is still large enough burden.
We scan certain files and think, "Post-let another loved the post and keep fingers crossed .."And how can we plan our future performance of specific content? What if we expect if the last content brainstorming  encourage to write - and how they will be carried out in performance?I think it can.I propose  with some key figures and some simple (enough) Mathematics in Microsoft Excel, you can measure the success of an idea of ​​a particular content.

Intrigued? We Start.
content marketing strategy/oregondigitalmarketing.com/blogpost

Part 1 - Gather Data.

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Step 1 - Identification of relevant data.

There are about a million ways, slice and dice the historical data, it may be difficult to determine which statistics are relevant and which are not . There are two main types of data collection for Mathematical  ROI: Dimensions content and performance criteria.

Dimensions content.

To observe trends relevant over time, not only you can hope  on some of the content. You have to group your content into meaningful categories.
The best way to group the old content  is by the variables, that lets you experience content in the planning phase. Think about the decisions you make in good standing in planning the content - content should be about how long it should be, you should write, etc. "Content Dimensions." I call these variables
For your first attempt at ROI  Mathematics, I recommend these four substantive dimension;

Word Count area (length).

The number of words vary widely per piece of content, if necessary translate them into areas to assess the best performance and give your writer to meet the practical objectives.


If you have multiple writers internally manage a large group of independent professionals, or frequently publish works by authors invited author services are an important indicator to follow.

Content Format.

Types of opinion are common formatting, graphics, videos, presentations, long articles, and numbered lists.


The most common types include vertical subject, category or service into the discussion.

Success Criteria.

To measure success, you must define and quantify. What do you want more than any other destination? If you get what you want, how will you know?
The answer to the first question is for you. The answer to the second question is, the criteria for success that you and I should be defined.
Mathematics do first ROI recommend that defines success with three types of measures: measures traffic, sales and parameters that are specific to your business online.

Traffic measures.

Traffic measurements are an excellent indicator of success, because customers are already participating in the conversion process. Examples of traffic data:
Page views unique (UPVs)
Results per page
Events per session
Goals achieved
I recommend, in just analyze the UPVs for our first attempt to predict the return on investment, as it represents instead the overall success of your site successful campaign.
If you choose to do several measurements of traffic, make sure they agree with each other or their predictions are confused.

Ecommerce metrics.

I recommend, in net sales, if possible, in search of first career Math ROI since income is a very large screen and UPVs alike, gives you a good idea of ​​the overall success of your content. If you gain more experience, you can more e-commerce metrics such as:
Average value of the contract
Number of items sold
Value for life
Metric owners
For a custom view of your content success, rethink its main objective and measures to monitor and measure their progress toward that goal. Then choose one or two parameters to determine the best success.
You will want to use clear answers calls as one of our key success metric exclusive as it is the best indicator of a successful marketing campaign and is strongly correlated with income.
If your primary goal is to become a national brand, you can measure success, like how many cities, is ready to order. If my main goal is to serve more homeless in the community, its key metrics can be served only the number of customers. Even if your only goal is your net worth go as high as possible, you get a specific measure for the money to be strategically planning   your content.


If your reports contain these parameters to be a time that your content will be well represented, but so much data that does not overwhelm choice. I recommend one of the following times: year-to-date, the last 6-12 months, or over a specific period of time are particularly interested in (include last holiday season, the first 90 days of new employees, etc. ).

Step 2 - To Your Table.

Now is the time to get your Excel spreadsheet, where historical data are collected.
The quickest and easiest way, the spreadsheet is running, start by using a program like Xenu or Screaming frog to crawl your site. Once the analysis is complete, export the results and save it as an .xlsx file.
Tracking automatically collects every single web address on your domain correctly pull data from your Google Analytics reports to Excel.
However, screening also collects data that is not necessary, so you have to clean the report  sheet before saving in all datas.
Here's how:

Remove unnecessary information.

Remove all lines with URLs that do not want to discuss in this review. For example, the unique URL of generic images can be found on your site will not be interesting to analyze.
Remove all columns, but two: the URI and the number of words. If you really want, you can evaluate the benefits of the other columns again, once you get the hang of Mathematics ROI. By now, you have more than enough relevant information without them.

Input New Columns To The Relevant Information.

Create a new column for the URL. The best way is to copy the column of the URL, and then use Excel Find and Replace function to delete the domain name of the URL (for example, would http://www.matthewwoodward.co.uk/blog / will be blog).
Then create a new column for each of the four basic dimensions formats:
Word count Area
Finally, create a new column for each action that you selected. To see which parameters I recommend adding,
Indicators of ownership (for example, unanswered calls)
Once you have finished creating this new section, you will receive your table looks like this:
content marketing strategy-oregondigitalmarketing.com/blogpost

Step 3 - Enter the data.

Now that you've defined your worksheet, you will use a combination of brain power, Analytics and Excel VLOOKUP function, to complete the data.

Fill the contents of hand sizes.

Fill the author, subject, format and word count for each URL. Unless you know that your content in their sleep, this step is likely to require that you visit each page.
Get your music - probably the monotony step in mathematics content marketing ROI, but I really recommend to endure .. The amount of data, Excel automatically plays, not to mention the accuracy of the results, this article is , extra time and effort worth making. I promise.
Complete the word count reaches first. Use this as the number of words used ranges normally be associated with the content of its writers (for example, 750 to 1,000 words 500-750 words, etc.).
Fill the author for each content item.
Fill the format of each content item. I recommend keeping the selection of formats as little as possible, the results clearly.
Fill out the theme for each content item. Again, I recommend sticking to a minimum.

Meet the criteria of success with the analytical data and function of Excel VLOOKUP.

Fill the rest of the cells in the spreadsheet, files  report of accounts. I recommend starting with Google Analytics.
Analytics and access all pages of the report low Behavior / website.
Select the period (s) of time to scan and filter all content before and after.
Select all columns to ensure that no important indicators omitted, and download the data in a .xlsx file. (These are not the same file that is used to calculate the ROI math. You can find these documents open side by side to have beside you.)
Return to your original Excel file. For each success metric column, use VLOOKUP to fill the cells with the appropriate data from Google Analytics exported table.
Repeat steps 2 to 5 report in other accounts. While reports contain a URL or URI in exporting, you will be able to integrate the data into consideration.
If you're not using Google Analytics regularly or not familiar with Excel VLOOKUP I recommend practice until you get the hang of it. It is a fast and reliable tool for cross-referencing.

Part 2 - Do the math.

content marketing strategy-oregondigitalmarketing.com/blogpost

 At this point, you can have all the information you need collected. Now you are ready to crunch the numbers.

Step 4 - Create a PivotTable.

To predict the future conversion, you must compare each dimension content against any measure of success and quantify how each type of content out in the past. Function sophisticated Excel PivotTable can quickly and easily make these comparisons.
Here it is how you create your PivotTable:
Select all the data in the spreadsheet. Ctrl + A or click the triangle in the upper left corner of the spreadsheet
Go to the Insert tab and click Excel PivotTable. Must be one of the first icons on this tab.
If the dialog box PivotTable appears, select the option to create the PivotTable on a new sheet. It then show as  Sheet2 in your Excel document.
The pivot table is another feature of Excel to understand the practical needs. If you've never used before or tinkering patiently until you get the hang of it, or study the first tutorials

Step 5 - Used PivotTable to find the means and variances.

Your goal with these pins is to calculate two new indicators - the average power and the variance of the average content of all sizes. These two meta hold the key metric to predict how well a content do in the future.
Systematic calculation of means and variances, perform the following steps for each dimension of the content and success metrics.
Here, I started UPV and author as examples:
Drag the Authors field in the area of ​​the dynamics of the table crosshead.
Drag in the UPV value field PivotTable. Use the dropdown menu on the right side to indicate that you are the dynamics at UPVs average for the back of each author (not the amount, number or anything else) you want .
Drag & Drop UPV within the field values ​​for the second time. Use the dropdown menu to indicate that you want to revert to the mean variation of each author UPVs the PivotTable.
Each pin should be similar to the dimensions appear to the lines and the mean values ​​and deviations of the values ​​of individual success indicators appear in the field of screen capture content.
content marketing strategy-oregondigitalmarketing.com/blogpost

 As you complete each rotation, copy and paste data from a third sheet with the bottom of the column format. Complete all changes until you have taken the mean values ​​and variances to measure individual success.
Font size - Shows which type of dimension is analysed  (eg  the format).
Size – Indicate specific dimension is analysed  (eg full-length articles).
Average UPV - Displays the average number of UPVs within the period you have chosen this particular dimension (eg articles UPV long form an average of 15,000).
UPV Variance - shows how this dimension is different from the average in your website.
A column of means and variances of each other metrics

This tab should look like the following image:
Screen and photos

Part 3 - Plan killing content

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If you have received so far in the process, congratulations! Here is the completed   impressive performance audit, pan and editorial formula - and now comes the fun part.

Step 6 - Setting the stage for brainstorming

Everything was to analyze past performance at this point. Now is the time to look ahead.

Start a fourth register, to fulfill their ideas for future content. You want to start with a column of content ideas, columns followed by author, subject, format, number of words-region, and the average variance of each of these dimensions.

content marketing strategy-oregondigitalmarketing.com/blogpost

 Fill each variance column using a VLOOKUP to attract the appropriate results of the pivot table values. To check if the function works properly, you give one of its authors in the corresponding column and check the third sheet to verify that the VLOOKUP has the same average variance look back on their results Pivot.

Step 7 - Brainstorm
When you know new content to exchange ideas, you will want to add them to the fourth plate sheet and author, word count range for each topic and format. You can do it yourself or individual contributors idea to glue on.
As you add these data for each line, column automatically fills VLOOKUP variance and trends will emerge slowly. It's like magic, nerdier exception.
Now, prepare for the hard work  pay off.

Step 8 - Calculate the probability of conversion

Create a last column labeled "results". This column is gold. This column is now where you know the importance of  mathematical ROI.
To find the values ​​of this column, use the formula = average across all the differences between each row and then subtract 1 from this average
content marketing strategy-oregondigitalmarketing.com/blogpost
Here's what result  should tell:
Based on the historical behavior of the author's proposal, format type, theme and the number of words contained in the idea of ​​"Mathematics ROI" must convert 8.75 percent better than average piece of content in matthewwoodward.co.uk. *
* Note: This example is only a statement of intent. I do not have historical data to back it up.
Here you go. From now on, you can predict with certainty the likelihood of conversion for each content  idea.

Step 9 - Create a content strategy.

ROI Calculations are very flexible. If at any time during the brainstorming, low or negative percentage is obtained, you can immediately adjust the dimensions of content (for example, increasing the number of words, change the format of slides for the long form, etc. ..) to try to improve the chances of success.
Once you are comfortable with the ROI calculation and're feeling adventurous, you can even save the starting criteria and additional performance (eg advertising metrics such links, actions, etc.) and size of content ( for instance, the time of publication, the day of the week, etc.). You can even change the dimensions if you will - for example, you can find the range of number of words that works best against the word count range, works best in all areas, because of their size.
The more layers you add, your calculations become more accurate predictions. Keep it until you have a model that works for you and your website.

Mathematics ROI as a springboard.

Content Marketing ROI math helped me in my planning process dramatically sharpen content:
I can now strategic dates manual release based on the probability performance.
I can now assign pieces of content writers who perform best in each category.
My brainstorming is more effective because I already know what formats and topics lead.
You manage risk properly ; because I can now understand how it could be for something to flop and how much it  going to costs me.
But if we look at it in deeper sense.
The ideas are surprisingly fickle. Some of our best ideas (popularly known) end in poor performance of the manufacturing industry, while ideas run-of-the-mill can be successfully off the charts. Some of the most successful pieces that have published EPISERVER  began as a high-risk ideas.
I encourage you to use mathematical ROI for inspiration. Use is as a plausibility, but when decision time is around, go with your gut, common sense, or a combination of both. Spreadsheet can not replace human intuition.
Mathematics ROI is process of living and breathable, that is. Take risks, make mistakes, get dirty, and learn from them.
We will improve the ROI calculations together. If you have ideas for other applications or ROI math need to be improved, please connect with me on 

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